Pride and Prejudice

There is much to be said about having "too much pride". On the battlefield that is modern software development the era of "the framework" has become apparent. More than ever there programmers that are working on frameworks that make software/web development simpler and less time consuming. Yet not everyone is happy as older seasoned programmers seem to have an issue with this. Now for newer programmers like myself the playing ground is definitely "kiddie friendly" and we are able to jump in and out of different languages easier than before and not have to spend months learning advance language syntax. The downside is that because we aren't muddling with the core language code any problems that occur outside of the framework scope may leave us stumped. This leads us to come running to the seasoned programmers for answers and many of why will be more than happy to remind you that if you spent time actually learning the language you wouldn't be stump or have the error cause by using the framework.

For all the love AngularJs gains there is equal disdain for something that was place on top of what some claim was already simple enough to use. In any Angular review thread you will be sure to see a programmer profess that there is nothing angular can do that he cant in regular Js. To which I ask

Do I use a framework and get it done or write it myself and eventually get it done just for the sake of bragging rights when either way I get the same money?

I sincerely doubt great programmers will disappear. Like the chicken and the egg I think that script kiddies encourage more programmers to create newer better frameworks and more frameworks provide a great playground for new script kiddies to enter into. Plus the sheer amount of frameworks which offer being offered from the single feature professional focussed framework to being all encompassing that aims to make the entire process easier all ensure that its less about not having to learn anything and getting the jump done.

Isn't that the point? Getting the job done?

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