PHP and Images

So I have been having a bit of a problem with images in my WordPress. Obviously it's not anything like loading or showing images but It more involves design vs implementation. You see I designed the Blog Home page to use variable sized images which required a specific size ratio. So while the ratio itself wasn't problematic, the realization that the user themselves would not use the required size made things difficult. So if I set out to find a solution and a solution I did find in the GD PHP library. A Http streams and strings of data later I was cropping and resizing images and putting them back up in base64. All was good with the world again UNTIL I noticed how broken the page was loading. In fact the page was loading considerably slower. This left me with two options, redesign the entire index page from scratch or make the user aware of the necessary format for images used on the website blog. I obviously chose the later. Yet the experience was awesome and added some more code to my personal library.

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